München – Tromsø – München

Aus dem Münchner Botanischen Garten reiste Clara Friedrich im in den Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanical Garden. Als Gegenbesuch kam K. Nyvoll für zwei Besuche nach München, von wo er auch die Aussenstelle den Alpengarten auf dem Schachen besuchte.

Er berichtet:

I got the opportunity to take part in this exchange. However, it had to be before and after the main season in Tromsø. Thus, my period was divided in two: one week in April, and two weeks in August/September.

Und weiter:

I had a lovely time in Schachen! I’m bringing ideas back to Tromsø, and a lot of good impressions. I had a good time working along with the entire Schachen crew, and I enjoyed cooking and spending time together! It was all organized so well, making it very easy for me to come to München and Schachen. A special and most heartfelt thank you to Jenny Wainwright-Klein. I believe she got the most work, organizing the internships for me.

Finally, I would like to return and spend more time in Schachen! I also would like Jenny to come to Tromsø, and give a lecture on both South-African and North-American plants! I believe few others can give us better first hand advice on how to grow plants from the Drakensberg!

For the future I hope the exchange program will continue, and for the best of relations between Tromsø Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden and Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg.