Äthiopien – Deutschland

Fekadu Assefa arbeitet im Arboretum des Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources, in Äthiopien. Er machte auf seiner Reise Station in Bonn, Münster und Hamburg. In den Botansichen Gärten traf er auf eine großartige Gastfreundschaft und konnte in kurzer Zeit vieles kennen lernen.

Er schreibt: In order to upgrade the status of Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources Arboretum and Nurseries, technical and managerial skills were needed. Currently both the arboretum and nursery are not well managed, and it is necessary make some change on the basic structure of arboretum and improve its capacity so as to make it proper place for conservation, education, research and recreation. Recent improvements started related with the ARBOPRO and ARBONETH projects have been some change to the status of the arboretum and inspired for further ambitions. Our college is one of the oldest and has reputation of producing professionals in forestry and natural resources management. Hence, to keep its reputation at national and regional levels, facilities such as nursery and arboretum should cope with its expectation. The International Gardener Exchange Program was very essential to provide knowledge and skills to further enhance the management of our arboretum and nursery at Wondo Genet.