Hamburg – Bogor, Indonesien, Junggärtneraustausch

Arnaldy Indra Prasetya und Tim Reich sind als Gärtner-Auszubildende im letzten Lehrjahr auf Reisen gegangen. Der Botanische Garten Bogor, Indonesien war ihr Ziel. Aus ihrem Bericht:

Wednesday – 31st January 2018

Visiting nursery for collection plants. I saw and learned how they absolutely take care of the collection plants before it will be planted. The new nursery already renovated, looks like more space for many seedling and another collection plants.

And then visiting seed bank, there are lots of seed viz. 108 family, 320 genus and 492 species with total sum of seeds ca. 1,9 Million.

Thursday – 1st February 2018

Seeing the registration process of new collection plants before planting the plants. Learning to get data collection of new collection plants, it necessarily need to gathering and measuring information from a variety of sources to get a accurate and complete database. Labelling the new collection plants is a important part or a must. Therefore it can help to identify the plant. Things to include on label would be the name of collector, date, plant name, and place where it was found.