St. Petersburg – Hamburg

Anna Afanasyeva und Natalia Fedorova aus dem Botanischen Garten in St. Petersburg waren zu Gast im Hamburger Garten. Der Gärtneraustausch mit der Partnerstadt St Petersburg hat eine lange Tradition und ist doch immer wieder neu und spannend für die beteiligten Gärtnerinnen:

We took part in current work of gardeners such as weeding and cultivation, pruning plants, planting of perennials, cleaning and preparation of the territory for the exhibition. One of the items of our work was the acquaintance with water system of the garden (the methods of inclusion and water supply and technical tools of the system). To gain knowledge of the botanical labeling and tool storage organization was the important point for us, as well as the gardeners` utility rooms exploring.The idea of studying in special Gardeners` school was unusual for Russian gardeners. We were pleased and surprised by the existence of this opportunity. It is very important to get professional training and practicing. There is no school for Gardener in the Saint Petersburg Botanical Garden right now.