Travel reports from 2009

Journey to the Royal Botanic Garden England:

As part of the conceptual development of the Botanical Garden and Colorful Mönchengladbach. The journey took the head of the garden Mönchengladbach to Kew Gardens, where she had the opportunity to get to know this unique botanical garden-like work and various employees.


Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Mönchengladbach - Kew (376.0 KiB)

Report by the gardener exchange between Talca (Chile) and Dresden:

The visit from Talca in Germany
The return visit of two and the head gardener of the Botanical Garden of Talca, took place in the summer. The report and many photos illustrate the stages of their journey is very clear.

Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Talca - Dresden (4.8 MiB)

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Three gardeners of the Botanical Garden Kiel report of butterfly farming and ant trails in Costa Rica:

... Four vegetation zones identified this way: "We were greeted outside the hotel by a colony of leaf-cutter ants - their" road "ran across the porch We were excited and did not want to remove, prompting us to the hotel owner offered a free night tour it.. .. "



Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Hamburg - Costa Rica (115.8 KiB)
Tim Böhnert in Oman

Report from the Oman Botanic Garden

In his report Böhnert Tim describes his work in the new botanical garden in Oman. He also reported graphically as the garden is planned - some of the approaches differ significantly from the botanical gardens show what "normally".

Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Tim Böhnert Oman (205.4 KiB)



The report of the Mexico Travel

Mr Lautner from the Botanical Garden of Göttingen describes his itinerary with Mr. Lohse (Botanical Garden Hamburg) and other "plant-crazies" on the basis of plant species encountered very impressive


Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Mexico (87.6 KiB)

Visit from Merida

The head of the Forest Botanical Garden in Merida (Venezuela), Juan Carlos Quevedo was in April in Hamburg.

Here you can download the travel report but only in german

Merida - Hamburg (14.3 KiB)